Rent Your Property

Lease your land or rooftop and make money through solar energy
Sunshine + Your Property = Constant Revenue
SHINE works with property owners to convert their under-used property into money-making assets. We handle all the complexity of solar deployment and management. You simply collect the revenue. SHINE is actively seeking Property Partners interested in working with us to develop clean, environmentally friendly, and profitable energy projects. Our team has over a decade of experience developing projects for rooftop and ground-mounted solar energy. We’ve worked across the country and around the world. If you’re interested in monetizing your property with a solar energy project, there may never be a better time.


If you own the right kind of real estate, you have the potential to sign a new tenant—a solar project—that will generate a predictable revenue stream over a long lease term without any hassle or fuss. That’s because large energy users and utilities are increasingly buying more of their energy from solar energy producers like us. SHINE builds quality projects that produce electricity at rates that are at or below standard utility rates.

We’ll own the solar equipment and electricity it produces. At the end of the lease term, we’ll remove the equipment and restore the property to its original condition, less ordinary wear and tear. If you decide to sell your property, the lease agreement and the rights and easements transfer with it. The project contractors and we are fully insured throughout construction and the term of the lease.


The solar energy revolution is creating opportunities for owners of property suitable for solar energy installations. SHINE helps our Property Partners convert underutilized land and rooftops into revenue-generating assets. By doing so, they earn extra income, help create affordable power for their community, and care for the earth.


If you’re a landowner with a minimum of 5 acres, consider working with SHINE. We provide long-term income in return for installing ground-mounted solar energy systems on your property. It’s a constant revenue stream perfect for landowners with marginal farmland or property they’d like to protect.

Ground-Mounted Solar Requirements: There should be no significant shading from nearby structures or trees, and the ground slope must be less than 10 degrees towards East/West or 20 degrees North/South. In addition, the site should be within 5,000 feet (about 1 mile) from a grid connection point such as a 3-phase line or utility transformer (pole or substation). The developable area must be five acres or more, and the property owner must have complete and long-term site control.


If you own a building with the proper solar dynamics, you may have a revenue-generating asset right over your head. Our project development team will work with you to assess your roof’s specifications, including location (utility load zone), shading, obstructions, equipment, permitting factors, age, size, and more.

Rooftop Solar Site Requirements: The roof should be less than five years old or not need a replacement for at least 15 years and have no significant shading from nearby structures, trees and/or structures on the buildable area of the roof itself. The roof should be flat or have a slope that faces +/- 15 degrees from due South. The property owner must have complete and long-term site control.

SHINE Partners

We're here to help people just like you join the movement to save money and protect the planet through solar energy. 
SHINE Partners | All Rights Reserved
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