Trusted Partners

We partner with a variety of sales, installation, finance, and project contractors–combining our solar system expertise with their local market knowledge–to craft market-specific solutions optimized for each of our projects.
Origination Partners
We acquire site leases and power purchase agreements for financeable solar projects, and then develop the sites, underwrite, procure financing, construct, and operate the projects. If you’re an EPC with a pipeline of projects in any stage of development that need financing, site control, or assistance to achieve project construction and completion, we can help.
Channel Partners
We work with partners in real estate, electrical contracting, roofing, and more. Our channel partners work with us to monetize their book of business easily and without risk. If you have customers who would benefit from solar power or by leasing their property for solar projects, we can help.
Finance Partners
We work with investment partners seeking opportunities in the renewable energy sector. Our diversified project pipeline represents varied geographies and off-takers, including DG and non-DG projects from California to the East Coast. If you are interested in becoming an investment partner, please contact us.
Project Partners
If you have a solar project you’d like to sell, or you’re seeking a partner for financing, development, construction or to help you secure a PPA, give us a call. As an independent solar PV developer, we are actively looking for more projects to add to our portfolio that are located in any of the geographies we serve in the U.S.
EPC Partners
We work with construction partners to execute on our portfolio of projects. If you are bonded, have a clean safety record, and good local relationships with relevant subcontractors, we invite you to submit your information to get on our bid list of approved EPC execution partners.
Charity Partners
We love partnering with local organizations and non-profits. Contact us to learn more about potential charity partnership opportunities.  

SHINE Partners

We're here to help people just like you join the movement to save money and protect the planet through solar energy. 
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