Energy Storage

Energy storage coupled with solar is a key offering of SHINE as a way to deliver added benefit to its customers.
Why Energy Storage?
Energy Storage manufacturing and solution provider companies include Stem, Tesla, Sungrow, Samsung, CPS, Delta Power. Shared inverter (DC coupled) or separate inverter (AC coupled) design configurations available. Similar to stand alone solar, SHINE provides capabilities to finance and structure 3rd Party (Power Purchase Agreement, Energy Service Agreement, Lease) and Direct Purchase (Cash, Loan, PACE) funding agreements for the Customer. Energy storage can provide many benefits to businesses. Some of these benefits include:
“Extend your solar day” and manage evening energy ramps through solar self-consumption
Deliver demand charge reduction through peak shaving
Support Time of Use (TOU) utility rate plan shifting
Provide usable backup 
power solutions
Smooth electricity prices through arbitrage and grid service revenue
Mitigate the risk of utility 
Assessing your solar energy storage needs can be a daunting task but SHINE is here to help. Whether you still have questions or are ready to get started, we want to hear from you. Give us a call or email today and we would be happy to assess your needs and find the best solution for you.

SHINE Partners

We're here to help people just like you join the movement to save money and protect the planet through solar energy. 
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