John A. Logan College Uses 10 Acre Vacant Lot to Install Solar Array, Demonstrating Commitment to Renewable Energy From a Use and Education Perspective

John Logan Installation
John A. Logan College installed a 1,938 KW solar system at its Carterville, IL, location in 2019. SHINE Partners developed the project with its local installation partner Straight Up Solar, using a power purchase agreement as the financing tool.

The College utilized the Illinois solar renewable energy credit (SREC) Adjustable Block Program to help finance the system. The College also received the benefit of an Illinois Distributed Generation Rebate to reduce the overall cost of electricity.

The expected 30-year energy production for the system is 72.8 Gigawatt hours, which has the environmental benefit of saving approximately 56.7 million pounds of coal burned to generate the same amount of electricity.

The ground-mounted system is located in the Ameren Illinois utility territory, and John A Logan College is expected to save approximately 32% on the energy produced by the project.

The installed solar array with an initial annual energy generation of 2,608 MWh will provide power to the College as well as learning opportunities for educating students on renewable energy. 

More about the project:

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