How you can participate in World Environment Day by switching to a rooftop solar panel system

SHINE Partners | May 2022


World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5th. The 2022 campaign #OnlyOneEarth calls for collective, transformative action on a global scale to celebrate, protect and restore our planet. Imagine a world where business owners and individuals worldwide operate their buildings, plants, and homes on green energy. This vision can be brought to life, but it starts with people just like you who care about the atmosphere, ecosystems, animal kingdom, and human race. One way you can positively contribute is by switching to a rooftop solar panel system, which harnesses the power of clean, renewable energy from the sun.

Whether you are an individual consumer or a business owner, there are many benefits to using solar panels. They are reliable and affordable, require little maintenance, and help reduce your carbon footprint. Additionally, installing solar panels can increase the value of your property and help protect our planet for future generations.

About World Environment Day

World Environment Day is an annual event that began in 1972 to raise awareness of the world's environment and encourage action to protect it. The day is celebrated in countries worldwide, typically with events and activities focused on environmental protection and education.

The first World Environment Day was held in Stockholm, Sweden, and representatives from 113 countries attended. The theme of the event was "Only One Earth," and it served as a call to action for individuals, businesses, and governments to take responsibility for their impact on the environment.

Since then, World Environment Day has been celebrated annually on June 5th. Each year has a different host country, chosen for its commitment to environmental protection, and a different theme. Recent themes have included "Beat Plastic Pollution," "Connecting People to Nature," and "Empowering Change Together."

As we approach the 50th anniversary of World Environment Day in 2022, let us reflect on our progress in protecting our planet and commit to doing even more to ensure a healthy and sustainable future for all.

Switching to Solar for World Environment Day

If you’re interested in switching to solar power, you should keep a few things in mind. First, you’ll need to evaluate your property and determine how much electricity you will need. Second, you’ll need to find a reputable solar panel installer, like SHINE, who can provide you with a quality system.

At SHINE, we make the process of switching to solar effortless. We get right to work when you schedule a no-cost, no-obligation consultation. This meeting will give you everything you need to make an informed decision. We’ll give you a formal proposal to lay out your solar energy system’s design and provide a complete financing plan, including all options, pricing, and agreement terms. After that, we’ll install the system and get it running optimally. If you lease a system from us, we’ll also monitor its performance for the entire life of the agreement and properly clean and maintain it to ensure efficient operation.

So, if you want to be part of World Environment Day and positively impact our environment, consider switching to solar power today! It's easy, efficient, and good for the planet.

SHINE Partners

We're here to help people just like you join the movement to save money and protect the planet through solar energy. 
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