Celebrate Greenpeace Day by Switching to Solar

SHINE Partners | September 2021


Greenpeace Day takes place every year on September 15th – what is Greenpeace Day? Greenpeace is an independent campaigning organization, which uses peaceful, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems, and develop solutions for a green and peaceful future. Some of their goals are to protect biodiversity in all its forms and prevent pollution and abuse of the earth’s ocean, land, air, and freshwater.

Many of our goals at SHINE overlap with the goals of Greenpeace, as we too envision a world where people and the planet can thrive. Our hope is to see people just like you reduce or eliminate their energy bills. We want to protect the planet by offering people an excellent alternative way to fuel their energy-dependent lives by utilizing the sun's power.

There are many ways to get involved with protecting our environment and joining the Greenpeace movement.


So how can you observe Greenpeace Day?

  • Advocate for environmental preservation
  • Learn about the importance of protecting the earth
  • Volunteer with Greenpeace or a local organization


How can switching to solar power help the environment?

Reducing air pollution. This benefits plants, animals, and humans! Air pollution can negatively impact soil, water, and the health of people – it is caused by the burning of fossil fuels. When people utilize solar power as their primary source of energy, this reduces the need to burn fossil fuels which produce toxic air pollutants.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions. When fossil fuels are burned, they release certain gases such as carbon dioxide and methane which can become trapped in the atmosphere. This can negatively contribute to the climate change crisis as it causes the planet to increase in temperature. However, as people switch to solar or other renewable energy methods rather than burning fossil fuels, greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced or even eliminated! 

It’s not too late for anyone to jump on the wagon and do your bit for the environment. You can honor this day in multiple ways, whether it is a social media campaign, volunteering with Greenpeace, or making small changes in your daily life.

For more information about how you can positively impact people and the planet by switching to solar, contact us today!

SHINE Partners

We're here to help people just like you join the movement to save money and protect the planet through solar energy. 
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