National Energy Conservation Day

SHINE Partners | December 2022


The day serves as a reminder for businesses to save energy and switch to sustainable practices. This year, the focus is on commercial solar. Here are some ways your business can best conserve energy and benefit from switching to commercial solar.

Educate your employees about energy conservation.

Make sure your employees are up to date on the latest energy-saving tips. Have monthly or quarterly educational sessions on different topics related to saving energy. You can also incorporate energy-saving tips into your new employee onboarding process.

Conduct an energy audit.

An energy audit is a comprehensive assessment of your company's energy use. It will help you identify areas where you are using too much energy and recommend ways to reduce consumption. An external consultant or an in-house team can conduct an audit. Make sure to conduct an audit at least once a year to ensure that your company is on track with its conservation goals.

Switch to LED lighting.

One of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce your company's energy consumption is to switch to LED lighting. LED lights use 75% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and last 25 times longer. This means that you'll not only save on your energy bill, but you'll also save money on replacement costs.

Install solar panels.

Solar panels are a great way to offset your company's carbon footprint and reduce your dependence on fossil fuels. Solar panels can be installed on the roof of your building or in a nearby field or parking lot. Commercial solar arrays range from 5 kilowatts (kW) to 1 megawatt (MW).

Implement an electric vehicle charging station policy.

If your company has employees who drive electric vehicles (EVs), consider implementing a policy that provides for the installation of EV charging stations at your workplace. This will not only encourage employees to drive EVs but also reduce the demand for parking spaces and generate additional revenue for your company.

Advocate for renewable energy policies.

Renewable energy policies, such as tax incentives or subsidies, can make solar power more affordable for businesses and help accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy. Urge local, state, and federal representatives to support policies promoting the adoption of renewable energy sources like solar power.

Purchase renewable energy credits (REC’s).  

Touted as "green power," RECs allow businesses to support the development of new renewable generation capacity without investing in their own projects. By purchasing RECs, companies send a market signal that there is strong demand for renewable electricity.  

Green power options from utilities.

Many utilities offer green tariff programs or direct access arrangements that enable commercial customers to purchase electricity generated from renewable sources like solar. Participating in one of these programs can help offset some or all of a business's electricity use with emissions-free renewables while also providing cost-saving opportunities.

Commit to sustainability in all aspects of your business.   

Your commitment to sustainability should extend beyond conserving energy. Evaluate all aspects of your business operations and look for ways to minimize waste, protect natural resources, and reduce emissions across your entire supply chain.

There are many ways businesses can save energy and become more sustainable. Some steps are low-cost (or even free); others, like installing solar panels or investing in electric vehicle charging stations, require more upfront investment but offer long-term financial and environmental rewards. Regardless of your steps, remember that every little bit counts when conserving energy and protecting our planet.

About SHINE Partners

SHINE Partners has the operational and industry expertise to maximize the value of your solar energy project before a single panel is ever installed. We start the process with a deep analysis of your existing property and its viability for a solar system, but that level of analysis extends throughout the entire planning, development, and installation process. We collaborate with reputable, high-quality partners around the nation to make sure your solar installation process is successful, regardless of size or energy needs.

Let SHINE Partners show you the short-term and long-term savings made possible by a solar panel and bank system. Give us a call at 800-516-4452 or visit us at and let us know you're interested. We're here to help commercial property owners just like you join the solar energy revolution and achieve their independence from unsustainable energy. With more than 30,000 solar panels installed, we have the expertise and excellence to give you the best possible energy solution.

SHINE Partners

We're here to help people just like you join the movement to save money and protect the planet through solar energy. 
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