5 Tips for Energy Efficiency Day

SHINE Partners | October 2021


Energy Efficiency Day is a relatively new annual awareness day, making its debut in 2016. The message is simple, “Save Money. Cut Carbon. Breathe Easier.” This is something we can all get behind. As businesses, organizations, and agencies are shifting to an eco-friendlier mindset, the question that must be asked by every one of us is, “How can I live more sustainably?” We consume energy daily – every flip of a light switch and use of an appliance adds up.

Here are five easy tips for improved energy efficiency:

  1. Switch to LED light bulbs. Installing LEDs throughout your office and home can significantly reduce your energy consumption and electric bill. If people are often in and out of the office or not utilizing certain spaces frequently, consider installing a light sensor to turn off the lights in rooms that aren’t constantly in use.
  2. Turn off the electronics. We frequently leave electronics plugged in that are not in use, such as televisions, computers, phone chargers, coffee machines in the break room, and more. Remember, if a light is showing, power is flowing. Use a power strip to make turning off multiple items at once easier.
  3. Seal leaks around windows and doors. There’s no sense in paying to heat or air-condition the outdoors, which is why we close the door behind us when we go in or out, but what about leaks that allow the temperature-controlled air to seep out anyway? Caulk and weather stripping are inexpensive ways to block leaks that waste heating and cooling energy.  
  4. Adjust the thermostat when you are not at the office. Keep your business comfortable when you are there, but don’t overheat or air-condition an empty building. Look into smart thermostats, or at the very least, programmable ones that allow you to set a schedule based on work hours.  
  5. Switch to solar. The sun offers an excellent power source alternative to non-renewable energy. Utilize solar PV systems to power your company to reduce your carbon footprint and save money in the long run.

Ready to switch to solar? At SHINE, we make the process of switching to solar effortless: When you schedule a no-cost, no-obligation consultation, we get right to work. Our solar professional will meet with you to conduct a thorough Solar Self-Check. We’ll estimate your energy needs based on your electricity consumption history and other factors. Then we’ll assess your roof and answer any questions about installing a solar energy system.

SHINE was established with the goal to help businesses lower energy costs and build reputations as strong community partners. SHINE can reduce the cost of your operations and make your company more self-sufficient. Your local community also reap benefits through your business’ improved profitability and resiliency, to say nothing of the cleaner air we all will breathe.

For more information about SHINE, visit our website at https://shine.partners/.

SHINE Partners

We're here to help people just like you join the movement to save money and protect the planet through solar energy. 
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